MAT Governance Structure
In the Stephen Sutton Multi-Academy Trust, partner schools retainĀ their Local Governing Body (LGB), which operates within the broad remit provided by the Trust Board.
The Trust Board comprises seven to eleven Directors and four to five Members (who have specific responsibilities). Two of the Members areĀ also Directors. Members and Directors are selected on the basis of their values and core beliefs, their skills and experience and their understanding of the local community and its needs and aspirations. There is one standing committee: the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee.
As a school joins the Trust, the Chair of their LGB (or another governor with appropriate skills) becomes a Trust Director, in order to provide an effective channel of communication between the Board and the LGB. In order to support objectivity, the majority of Directors are not also governors of a partner school.
Key Documents
- Finance, Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference
- Trust Ad Hoc Hearings and Appeal Panels Terms of Reference
- Local Governing Body Terms of Reference
- Attendance at SSMAT Board Meetings
- Policy Review Schedule
- Trustees’ Report and Financial Statements (01/09/18 – 31/08/19)
- Trustees’ Report and Financial Statements (01/19/17 – 31/08/18)
- Trustees’ Report and Financial Statements (01/01/17 – 31/08/17)
- Strategic Plan 2018-23 (Summary Version)
- Trustees’ Report and Financial Statements 19-20
- Audited Accounts Year End 31st August 2021