The Stephen Sutton Multi-Academy Trust (SSMAT) is distinctive in a variety of ways:
The work of the schools in the Trust is overseen by a Trust Board and supported by a Core Team, but the schools involved retain their individual identities. Schools in the Trust are equal partners, who have committed to working collaboratively and supporting each other.
SSMAT sees strong benefits in primary and secondary schools working together to develop a better mutual understanding to make decisions that support students’ progress across the full age range.
The culture of SSMAT encourages a diversity of approach and a recognition that continuous improvement is about making calculated risks and understanding the importance of learning from mistakes as well as building on successes. We all have more potential than we dare to imagine.
This Trust commits to providing a strong, well-rounded education for all of the young people in its schools. Building on some of its strengths and responding to the local employment needs of the area, additional curriculum enhancement (across the age range) is provided in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.