It’s been great to see so many young children from local primary schools at Chase Terrace Technology College over the past week or so. Last week, there was a cultural morning for year 3, 4 and 5 that featured dance from around the world. This week, there’s been a Design Technology day for years 4 and 5 and ‘The Big Sing’, featuring both primary and secondary age students. These events have been brought about through some really effective collaboration between the schools and it’s clear to see that there’s been some rich, practical learning and great teamwork. Importantly, it’s also been a lot of fun!
Welcome to our new website
I hope you find our new website easy to use. As the Trust gets more established, the website will play an important role in helping to communicate what’s going on to the local community. The Trust’s Core Team has a base on the Chase Terrace Technology College site (the front area of the new building that was previously the Vocational Skills Centre). We now have signage in place, so our base should no longer be mistaken for the CTTC reception!