Stuart Jones
Executive Director
The focus of the Executive Director role is to bring about change and improvement across the Trust at a systemic level.
Twelve years of successful headship experience of two secondary schools and a further nine years of senior leadership. Undertakes commissioned school improvement work and has a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership in Education.

Sharon Thorp
Trust Business Manager
The Trust Business Manager advises and supports on all matters of finance, human resources, estates and facilities management over the MAT and also takes a lead role in community engagement.
Twelve years of experience as the School Business Manager of a large secondary school. Has been a tutor for the Diploma of School Business Management programme and has a Level 5 NCSL School Business Management qualification. Currently undertakes commissioned work for the Education and Skills Agency as a Schools Resource Management Advisor, helping schools to achieve financial stability.

Gary Mulvey
Trust Teaching and Learning Consultant (Part-time)
The Trust Teaching and Learning Consultant acts as a change agent in the development of highly effective learning across the Trust, supporting a drive for continuous improvement.
Previously Leading Practitioner (Cross-Phase Progression) at CTTC and Advanced Skills Teacher (commissioned by Staffs LA), with specific expertise in the use of technology for learning, behaviour management and science. Works in both secondary and primary sectors.